
FFXIV races guide: All detailed and how to change FF14 race | PC Gamer - smithdismithey

Which race should you choose in Final Fantasy 14?

Male Viera from the Final Fantasy 14 race
(Image credit: Square Enix)

Speculative which FF14 race to pick? There are eight different races in FFXIV, fulfilling pretty much every possible fantasy aesthetic you could want for, which is appropriate, beholding equally your option doesn't really affect much at max level. When choosing a Net Fantasy 14 race, your decision should really be based on which you find most visually pleasing or want to roleplay.

With the early entree launch of Endwalker, bunny rabbit boys have been added to the mettlesome in the sort of the male version of the Viera race. There are also cardinal new jobs: the Harvester and the Sage. In this list, we break down each race into their separate clans, and explain their minor differences in price of protrusive stats.

When it comes down to choosing the best race for you, just about will tell you information technology doesn't matter which you choose. Just for the min-maxers, there are also FFXIV class suggestions for each in this list. If you're ready to payoff a look at the different choices gettable, here's a list of the FFXIV races.

FFXIV alteration race: How to roll in the hay

If you'Ra unhappy with your choice after you've created your character, and you've played far enough into the story that you assume't want to cast aside your progress by making a new one, all is not lost.

You can change your appearance—including speed up—with the item, Phial of Fantasia. One of these potions is rewarded once you complete the level 50 main fib bay, Ultima Weapon. But if you don't want to wait that longstanding, or if you bear already used your freebie, you fire bribe additional Phials of Fantasia with real money through the Final Fancy XIV Online Store.

To use the Phial of Fantasia, use the item in-gritty, then backlog verboten. You volition be presented the option to edit your character's visual aspect on the character selection screen the incoming time you log in.

All FFXIV races


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Requires: N/A

The Hyur are one of the original races in Final Fantasy 14. They are the well-nig human-like of all the choices, and bear a comparatively sylphlike, acrobatic build which lends itself esthetically to most armor types.

Hyur live out to the highest degree parts of Eorzea and are the most uncouth race—from a lore standpoint, at least. You can choose to play as male or female Hyur in Ultimate Fantasy 14.


The Midlander kin group can be found throughout Eorzea and are the more numerous of the two, in damage of overall universe. They have slender builds and fair complexions and can comprise found flourishing in every metropolis.

Starting stats:

  • Metier: 22
  • Dexterity: 19
  • Animation: 20
  • Intelligence activity: 23
  • Bear in mind: 19

Advisable classes: Thaumaturge, Arcanist, Lancer, Boxer, Vulture, Prizefighter.
Advisable jobs: Black Mage, Summoner, Red Mage, Strict Mage, Dragoon, Monk.

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Scottish Highlander

The Highlander kin are some less common than Midlanders. They have a stockier anatomy and in the main congregate about the city-state of Ul'dah.

Start stats

  • Strength: 23
  • Dexterity: 20
  • Vitality: 22
  • Intelligence: 18
  • Mind: 20

Recommended classes: Lancer, Pugilist, Marauder, Gladiator
Advisable jobs: Dragoon, Monk, Warrior, Champion, Dark Knight, Gunbreaker


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Requires: N/A

The Elezen backwash is some other of the germinal races in Terminal Fantasy 14. They are tall and supple in habitus and the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe of their ears gives them an just about elf-like appearance. You can play as a male or female Elezen.

They are the first true inhabitants of Eorzea and weren't excited when the Hyur arrived in huge numbers. They are nomadic by nature, but they retreated to protect themselves and their motherland after the perceived invasion.


The Wildwood kin group ready-made their homes in the forests of Eorzea, but as clock time has passed and tensions impaired, they are often seen in Gridania.

Starting stats

  • Strength: 20
  • Dexterity: 23
  • Life force: 19
  • Intelligence operation: 22
  • Mind: 19

Advisable classes: Archer, Varlet, Thaumaturge, Arcanist
Suggested jobs: Bard, Ninja, Machinist, Professional dancer, Melanize Mage, Summoner, Red Mage, Blue Mage

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The Duskwight clan retreated to the caves and caverns of Eorzea, preferring the ship's company of their own people. The Wildwood Elezen refer to them as 'the Greys'.

Starting stats

  • Strong poin: 20
  • Sleight: 20
  • Vitality: 19
  • Intelligence: 23
  • Mind: 21

Suggested classes: Thaumaturge, Arcanist
Advisable jobs: Black Mage, Summoner, Colorful Mage, Blue Mage


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Requires: N/A

The Lalafell race is unmistakable. Their tiny stature sets them separated from the former races in Eorzea, but their cute appearing doesn't make then any less devilishly on the battlefield. You can take to play either a male person or female Lalafell.

Hailing from the islands to the southernmost, the Lalafell are plentiful across Eorzea and fundament embody establish in most of the cities across the kingdom. They treasure family only have no issues when mixing with the other races.


The Plainsfolk kinship group take their list from the plains of the islands they derive from. Their earthy colouring helps them meld in with their surroundings.

Starting stats

  • Strength: 19
  • Dexterity: 23
  • Vitality: 19
  • Intelligence: 22
  • Psyche: 20

Advisable classes: Archer, Varlet, Thaumaturge, Arcanist
Suggested jobs: Barde, Ninja, Machinist, Dancer, Black Mage, Summoner, Red Mage, Blue Mage

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Like the Plainsfolk, the Dunesfolk tribe take their name from the environments they peopled on their home islands. Their intelligent eyes serve protect them against the sunlight of their natural habitat, though they are now often found in the city-state of Ul'dah.

Starting stats

  • Strength: 19
  • Dexterity: 21
  • Vim: 18
  • Intelligence: 22
  • Brain: 23

Suggested classes: Conjurer, Thaumaturge, Arcanist
Suggested jobs: White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian, Black Mage, Summoner, Red Mage, Blue Mage

Miqo'atomic number 52

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Requires: No expansions required

The Miqo'te are another of the original races in Concluding Illusion 14. Their otherwise human-like appearance is characterised aside a wee and recreation build, long legs and cat-like ears and tail.

Miqo'te receive adapted into great hunters, aided aside their keen olfaction. They are generally territorial, preferring to lead solitary lives, though they can make up found throughout Eorzea. You can choose to play either a male or female Miqo'atomic number 52.

Seekers of the Sun

The Seekers of the Sunshine clan thrive in day and worship Azeyma the Warden, steward of the sun, from which they've derive their name. They are in general fair-skinned and tend to congregate around the Sagolii Desert and Limsa Lominsa.

Starting stats:

  • Strength: 22
  • Dexterity: 23
  • Verve: 20
  • Intelligence: 19
  • Mind: 19

Advisable classes: Archer, Rogue, Lancer, Pugilist, Marauder, Gladiator
Suggested jobs: Caparison, Ninja, Machinist, Terpsichorean, Dragoon, Monk

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Keepers of the Moon

In contrast to the archetypal clan, the Keepers of the Moon are nocturnal by nature and prefer to obviate daytime where thinkable. They have darker skin than their daytime relatives and are often found living around Gridania.

Starting stats:

  • Strength: 19
  • Dexterity: 22
  • Vitality: 18
  • Intelligence: 21
  • Head: 23

Suggested classes: Conjurer, Archer, Rapscallion
Recommended jobs: White Mage, Student, Astrologian, Bard, Ninja, Machinist, Social dancer


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Requires: N/A

One of the first races in Last Fantasy 14, the Roegadyn rush along typically have a large and burly build, and are characterised by their often intimidating appearance. You can play every bit some male and female Roegadyn.

Roegadyn thrive on physical work and are oftentimes found manning their ships Oregon using their brawn at smithies, Beaver State in serve as a bodyguard or hired muscle.

Sea Wolves

As the make might hint, the Sea Wolves clan are seafarers and pirates, hailing from the islands to the off the beaten track north. More latterly, they are seen on ships and vessels around Limsa Lominsa.

Starting stats:

  • Strength: 22
  • Dexterity: 19
  • Vitality: 23
  • Intelligence: 18
  • Mind: 21

Suggested classes: Piranh, Prizefighter, Lancer, Pugilist
Recommended jobs: Warrior, Paladin, Non-white Knight, Gunbreaker, Dragoon, Monk

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The Hellsguard kin group herald from mount mountains which they believe to equal gates to the underworld. They are usually seen in the big cities of Eorzea, acting as soldiers and mercenaries.

Protrusive stats:

  • Strength: 20
  • Dexterity: 18
  • Vitality: 23
  • Intelligence: 20
  • Mind: 22

Suggested classes: Marauder, Prizefighter, Conjurer
Recommended jobs: Warrior, Paladin, Dark Knight, Gunbreaker, White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian

Au Ra

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Requires: Heavensward

Initially glance, the Au Ra race resembles the Hyur, but connected closer inspection, you'll detect they have horns and scales. You can maneuver American Samoa either male operating theater female when choosing this cannonball along and you'll notice that the males have a considerably larger frame than their female counterparts.

The Gold Ra come from the Othard continent in the Far East. There is some doubtfulness A to their connecter with dragons, as their appearance hints at close ties with them in the agone.


The Raen clan unrecorded in a tranquil life in the deep valleys of Othard, mostly. Occasionally, a couple of of their number will assay out stake as out-of-the-way abroad as Eorzea.

Protrusive stats:

  • Military posture: 19
  • Dexterity: 22
  • Vitality: 19
  • Intelligence: 20
  • Take care: 23

Suggested classes: Conjurer, Archer, Rogue
Advisable jobs: White Mage, Student, Astrologian, Barde, Ninja, Shop mechanic, Dancer

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The Xaela clan are a nomadic branch of Au Right ascension that form close tribes to hunt and gather. Their frequent warring follows the example their ancestors own set for them.

Starting stats:

  • Strength: 23
  • Dexterity: 20
  • Vitality: 22
  • Intelligence: 20
  • Mind: 18

Suggested classes: Lancer, Boxer, Marauder, Prizefighter
Recommended jobs: Sandbag, Monk, Warrior, Champion, Dark Horse, Gunbreaker


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Requires: Stormblood

The Hrothgar became a playable race with the Stormblood expansion. Their hulking build and Lion-like-minded coming into court whitethorn remind players of Kimahri from Final Fantasy 10, though they're unrelated. You fanny only play male Hrothgar.

The Hrothgar race originates from Ilsabard, but many migrated to Eorzea. They encountered problems with communication which led to conflict on their arrival, but the Hrothgar have since learned the common tongue and have constitute their place in the land.


Hailing from the Confederate region of Ilsabard, where they expend their time serving their queens, this clan was named by scholars who observed them.

Starting stats:

  • Strength: 23
  • Dexterity: 17
  • Vitality: 23
  • Intelligence activity: 17
  • Mind: 23

Suggested classes: Lancer, Pugilist, Marauder, Gladiator, Conjurer
Suggested jobs: Railroad, Monk, Warrior, Paladin, Dark Knight, Gunbreaker, White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian

(Image credit: Square up Enix)

The Lost

The Deep in thought clan favour a nomadic lifestyle and spend their meter learning a variety of trades. They are fairer of fur than the Helions, only carry the duplicate intimidating look.

Start stats:

  • Strength: 23
  • Dexterity: 17
  • Vital force: 23
  • Intelligence: 17
  • Mind: 23

Recommended classes: Lancer, Boxer, Marauder, Gladiator, Conjurer
Suggested jobs: Railroad, Monk, Warrior, Fighter, Dark Dub, Gunbreaker, White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian


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Requires: Shadowbringers

The Viera were introduced with the Shadowbringers expansion, though fans of Final Fantasize 12 will recognise them as Fran's distant relatives. The Viera are defined by their lithe figures and prominent rabbit-like ears. The male Viera is being added as depart of the Endwalker expansion.

Viera generally dwell closely with nature, and a couple of venture kayoed into the world beyond their woodland homes. In Final Fancy 14, if you filling Viera, you'll consume to bid atomic number 3 a female. Male Viera do apparently survive, but their use is practically little striking in society, and they are rarely seen.


The Rava kin hail from Golmore Hobo camp and have the colouring that is most related with Viera. This helps them remain hidden from outsiders and blend into their surroundings.

Starting stats:

  • Strength: 20
  • Dexterity: 23
  • Vitality: 18
  • Intelligence: 21
  • Mind: 21

Suggested classes: Archer, Rogue
Suggested jobs: Dress up, Ninja, Machinist, Terpsichorean

(Look-alike credit entry: Square Enix)


The Veena clan have much fairer skin than their Rava counterparts. The snowy mountains are their home and they populate the forests in the area.

Protrusive stats:

  • Strength: 19
  • Dexterity: 20
  • Elan vital: 19
  • Intelligence information: 23
  • Mind: 22

Recommended classes: Thaumaturge, Arcanist, Conjurer.
Suggested jobs: Black Mage, Summoner, Cherry Mage, Blue Mage, White Mage, Scholar, Astrologian.

Sarah's soonest gaming memories involve acting Jet Put across Willy on the ZX Spectrum at a supporter's house. These days, and when not authorship guides, most of her redundant time goes into MMOs—though she's quite uncomplete to JRPGs too. She has washed-out much of the utmost decade playing the likes of Star Wars: The Old Republic, TERA, Final Fantasy 14, and World of Warcraft. Sarah has been penning about games for several years and, before connexion PC Gamer, freelanced for the likes of TechRadar, GamingBible, and Careen Paper Shotgun. One of her fondest hopes is to matchless twenty-four hours play through the ending of Final Fantasy X without breaking down into a sobbing heap. She probably has more wolves in Valheim than you.


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